The Sky Color Collection

A love letter to myself and the early days of motherhood.

Twenty five original abstract miniature watercolors


These are snapshots captured during the early years of motherhood, starting with the instant I found out I was pregnant up until now. They were moments of experiencing beautiful magnificent skies that were grounding and healing and allowed me to reconnect with myself—with my soul—again.

Motherhood consists of pure magic and playfulness contrasted by extreme exhaustion… especially in the early days when everything is new.

Witnessing these skies and creating these paintings reminded me of the magic and magnificence of life when I felt like I needed it the most.

This collection is a gathering of the liminal moments of motherhood—the moments in-between. It seems like they are especially important in motherhood.

As mothers, we push them off like oh I was “just focusing on being a mom” or “I haven’t accomplished much because I have kids.” But in reality—having and raising our children, how we show them love, what we teach them about the world, modeling empathy, and how to treat others—matters.

The entire pregnancy, birth, and journey of motherhood is something that deserves more honor and dignity within our world.

Sky Color

The colors are a reminder
of the beauty of it all.

The quiet moments.
The spaces in-between.

The closeness and tiny hands,
that need me.

The firsts of everything.
Eyes full of expression.


The gratitude and understanding,
after the storm.

Real, true unconditional love.
Acceptance – surrender.

The sweetness.
The stretching.

The joy.
The beauty of it all.

—Abby Ecker


The Hydrangea Collection