The Hydrangea Collection


This collection was born during the beginning of the pandemic. When we had no idea what was really going on or happening or that this was something we would be living with from now on.

Because of this, The Hydrangea Collection is full of many layers and meanings, while rooted in acceptance, feeling, and forgiveness.

I actually enjoy being home and recharging alone, but there is something about being told that you can’t go anywhere that didn’t sit well with me. I’m sure many of you can relate. I also lost my mom tribe almost overnight. Needless to say, I was feeling a lot of different emotions all at once. I think we all were.

If you’re a parent or caretaker, then you know losing your community and support that you had in place is a pretty tough loss. I was used to having a little village in the community, and even though it was small, it was helpful. I didn’t realize how much I relied on my support systems until they were gone. I did my best to hang on to as much as I could, but virtual activities are not ideal with toddlers. So eventually that fizzled out.

On the bright side, it was springtime in Savannah, the weather was gorgeous, and I was able to start a new routine with my girls. We were mainly outside, exploring every corner of our yard, bird watching, identifying plants, and exploring nearby nature trails.


We collected bits of things from nature as we went along. We would explore the parts of the plants, identify colors, press petals into my sketchbook, draw with plants, trace shapes, and make nature rubbings. It was a way that we could connect and create while I was able to put the pandemic out of my mind. It was joyful and soothing for my girls and I.

As it can happen though, emotions were running all over the place in our house, and limits were pushed at times. I know that children can pick up on stress and I’m sure they were picking up on the unsettling energy in the air, as well as the stress from my husband and I processing what was going on in the world.

We ended up rediscovering a bunch of hydrangea plants on the side of the house and the girls fell in love with these flowers. I was shocked that they were still alive and well, as I had not taken care of them since we moved in. We visited them daily, marveled in their beauty, and slowly started taking care of them again.

It was a gentle reminder that we all need a little tender care, acceptance of where we are at, and forgiveness.

I saw the parallel between this concept and motherhood. At the time I was being a bit critical of myself as a mother, exhausted because I was getting very little time to myself, still mourning the loss of my mom tribe, and I was in need of self-care. Everything just needed to shift around a bit and re-emerge in a new way, but I didn’t know that quite yet.


While I was painting this collection, I also ended up finding an old photograph of my mother when she was pregnant with my sister tending to hydrangeas on the side of the house that she grew up in, my grandparent’s farm house. I thought this was a pretty special sign to find in this very moment and immediately knew that I needed to trust my feelings and paint my way through this. These hydrangeas are a reminder of the collective healing that we are all a part of.

It’s time to accept where we are at, offer forgiveness, realize emotions are not something to be ashamed of or afraid of, and give ourselves the tender care that we need so that we can thrive.


The gallery page is my virtual exhibition.

It’s a peaceful space where you can let the artwork speak to you, nourish you, and fill you up. It makes my heart sing to create these beautiful spaces highlighting my artwork so that you can see how the story unfolds. If you want to learn more about the collection check out the gallery page for The Hydrangea Collection. I hope you love it as much as I do.

As part of my Inspired Inner Circle, you are the first to know about everything happening in my studio. Typically you'll hear from me 1-3 times a month.

As part of my Inspired Inner Circle, you are the first to know about everything happening in my studio. Typically you'll hear from me 1-3 times a month.


The Hydrangeas on the Side of the House


Sky Color Poem